Wildcat Referral Form - Click Here
Know a student interested in becoming a Wildcat? Are they asking questions about getting admitted to NVC?
Refer a student to our Admissions Team for assistance!
Academic IntegrityUse the links below to report violations of academic integrity, including plagiarism, cheating, and collusion. Academic Integrity Report Form (F.4.2.3.F./PDF Download) Academic Integrity Incident Form (Online/Guardian)
Non-Academic MisconductUse the links below to report non-academic misconduct violations. |
Title IX - Sexual MisconductUse the links below to report any gender based discrimination, including, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, dating violence, rape, bullying, sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking. Title IX/VII/ADA/504 Complaint Form Sexual Misconduct Resource Guide Click Here to learn more about Title IX - Sexual Misconduct... |
Title VII - Civil Rights, ADA, 504 ComplaintsUse the links below to report civil rights discrimination, harassment, and retaliation of protected classes. |
SOBI - Concerning BehaviorsUse the links below to report concerning behaviors of students that are not necessarily disciplinary (this is for non-emergency reporting). When in doubt, please report these behaviors. Behavior Intervention (SOBI) Form Click here to learn more about SOBI and concerning behaviors... |
Deceased StudentInstructors are often the first to find out about student deaths. Please use the links below to report a deceased student. Deceased Student Reporting Form For more information, please contact: |
Advocacy ReferralsPlease use the form linked below for students you identify who may need assistance outside of the classroom, such as emergency aid, mental health support, case management, etc. |
Service Requests
ICT, Purchasing, IR, and Resource RequestsSubmit employee service requests for help with Information & Communication Technology (hardware and software), Purchasing, Institutional Research reports (data and research), Resource Requests, more...
Facilities RequestsEmployee service requests for help with building maintenance issues around the campus.
MarComm Requests (Monday.com)Employee service requests for MarComm (Marketing & Strategic Communications) that include College Website Updates, Marketing Graphics, Press Releases, Social Media, Photography/Video and other Public Relations/Communications Services. Brand GuidelinesInformation about college branding and guidance for logo usage.
Badge ReplacementsTo replace a photo ID badge, please contact the Alamo Colleges Police Department at 210-486-3997. |
AlamoSHAREShare internal documentation and area information in our new and improved AlamoSHARE. Access is the same as our Microsoft 365 environment, so it requires your ACES credentials: |
Banner LinksLearn how to use tools in the Banner environment to help with budgeting, ordering, and other resource management. |
Business Office
DirectoryView a full list of employees and departments at NVC. |
Faculty HandbookThis page provides information to assist you as an instructor at Northwest Vista College. Adjunct FacultyThis page provides information to assist you as an adjunct instructor at Northwest Vista College. |
Faculty SenateGet involved with the faculty government at Northwest Vista College and make a difference in our growing community! |
Staff SenateGet involved with the staff leadership at Northwest Vista College and learn how you can support your peers! |
Adjunct SenateGet involved with the adjunct faculty government at Northwest Vista College and make a difference in our growing community! |
Veteran Advocates (V2V)If you’re a veteran, please consider becoming an advocate for student veterans. |
Faculty Student MentoringFaculty-Student mentors build relationships with students to help them get on-track with their educational requirements and ultimately achieve their educational goals. |
Read Northwest Vista College's employee magazine mylarevista.org and learn about what's going on around the college. |
ONE Mentor Program |
Marika Castillo HR Partner Talent, Organization & Strategic Innovation Northwest Vista College Manzanillo Hall Room MZH 204N Phone: 210-486-4955 Email: mdabney1@orkexpo.net |
Teresa Bryan Benefits Coordinator Talent, Organization & Strategic Innovation 2222 N. Alamo St. San Antonio, TX 78215 Phone: 210-485-0296 Email: tbryan12@orkexpo.net |
Free or Low-Cost Textbooks and Instructional Materials that provide teaching, learning, and/or research resources in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits the free use, adaptation, and redistribution of the resource by any person.
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